Friday, October 25, 2013

Book Parade

Today was the book parade. I was a pirate. There was a lot of pirates. And my book was How I Became A Pirate. It took a long time to see all the classes costumes BOO!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Today I saw the BMX. They did a back flip. And talked funny but weird. And did a high jump. And one of them made it to the finals. And they did  lots of cool  tricks. And I got a picture with  them.

Monday, October 21, 2013


On Saturday it was my brother's game at 10:15 in the morning. I played with my friends Reese and Aidan. We played football.  After the game I had a smoothie from Jamba Juice. It was good.                                                                                                                         700+300=1,000+1,000+0-1,000=1,000                                                                                                           IS IT CORRECT? YES YAY!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Yesterday, I got a smoothie. It was called pumpkin mood. It was very good. It tasted like pumpkin pie with whip cream. Then, Nathan and I had a play date. We played on his iPad.We first played a ghost game where you shoot the ghost and it is gone and earn some money for the job. The second game we played is a game where you chop the food to see who gets the most food chopped. Whoever wins the most is the winner and the game is over. Before I had to leave, we rode Nathan's scooters for a little bit and then I had to leave.  So I said good bye. And I told  my parents all of  the good times I had at Nathan's house. It was a good time there.
 My brother had a practice. I brought my baseball bag. I played baseball with Reese. It was boring. So I wanted to play tennis. It was fun playing it with Ethan. When practice was over I got to hit some balls. I was lucky. We had dinner it was pizza. It was delicious then I got yo plate. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Life is hard

Life of a 7 year old is hard. You are going to bigger grades. And learning hard math and books.